Kim Weaver, MD
Research and Presentations
1. Kim Hennan MD, Marvin Williams DO. Critical Care Obstetrics, University of Oklahoma Department of OB/GYN Grand Rounds 02/2009.
2. Kathleen Moore MD, Kim Hennan MD, Andrew Wagner MD. Premenopausal Breast Cancer in Oklahoma: Patterns of Care at a Major Referral Center, Research Project Presentation, Tiger Day 2007 and Society of Human Genetics Poster Presentation 2008.
3. Kim Hennan MD, Julie Hansen MD. Professionalism in Medicine, University of Oklahoma Department of OB/GYN Grand Rounds 12/06.
4. Kim Hennan MD, Elisa Crouse MD. Professional Liability and Risk Management, University of Oklahoma Department of OB/GYN Grand Rounds 05/06.
5. Kim Hennan MS, Eric Knudtson MD. Non-Immune Hydrops, A Case Presentation, University of Oklahoma Department of OB/GYN Grand Rounds 11/04.
6. Alfredo Gei MD, Kim Hennan MS, Victor R Suarez MD, Gregory Locksmith MD, Gary DV Hankins MD, Garland Anderson MD. Evaluation of the magnitude of pressure and contact surface of obstetric forceps on a fetal head mannequin model. Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine 23rd Annual Meeting 2003.
7. Alfredo Gei MD, Kim Hennan MS, Victor R Suarez MD, Gregory Locksmith MD, Gary DV Hankins MD, Garland Anderson MD. The use of pressure sensitive film to evaluate the magnitude and distribution of pressure of obstetric forceps on a fetal head mannequin model. Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, 23rd Annual Meeting 2003.
8. Alfredo Gei MD, Kim Hennan MS, Gregory Locksmith MD, Gary DV Hankins MD, Garland Anderson MD. Knowledge of OB/GYN residents on operative vaginal deliveries: analysis of the effect of a Workshop. Council on Residency Education in Obstetrics and Gynecology and Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Annual Meeting 2003.
9. Alfredo Gei MD, Kim Hennan MS, Gregory Locksmith MD, Gary DV Hankins MD, Garland Anderson MD. Attitude towards operative vaginal deliveries among recently graduated residents. Council on Residency Education in Obstetrics and Gynecology and Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Annual Meeting 2003.